It’s been fifteen years since the current TRHOA By-laws were adopted. Your Executive Board felt that these By-laws needed to be updated to address law changes in the law and life changes such as using electronic means of communication. The Board spent the summer and fall reviewing other relevant by-laws as examples and considering our unique circumstances as a small, all-volunteer board, and that TRHOA operates as a neighborhood association. The structure of TRHOA has not changed, but we added sections to cover in more detail such things as:
- Clearer language on membership and membership fees;
- Clarification of how general membership meetings and/or special membership meetings are advertised and run;
- Clarification of the maintenance/sharing of the membership roster;
- Membership voting rights;
- How Executive Board meetings or special meetings are to be conducted;
- Nomination process, required qualifications and voting process for Executive Board members;
- Clearer position descriptions for all officers and area representatives.
The amended By-laws can be found on our website at If you have any comments please send them to Daphne Herling by April 15, 2020. (
General Membership Voting: The TRHOA Executive Board approved the draft By-laws in their meeting on March 8, 2020. The membership will vote on the amended By-laws at the TRHOA General Membership meeting on (date to be determined) at 7 pm in the Target Range School library.