2022-9-27 Candidate Meet-n-greet meeting agenda

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September 28, 2022
P.O. BOX 1075, 59806

  1. Welcome- introduction of Executive
    Pres. Peggie Morrison
    V.P. Anne Rupkalvis
    Sec. Bob Carter
    Treas. Carol McQuade
    Rep.Area 1 Elizabeth Stegmaier
    Rep.Area 2 Laura & Ed Taylor
    Rep.Area 3 Carol McQuade
    Rep.Area 4 Fred Stewart
    Rep.Area 5 Willis Curdy
    Rep.Area 6 Steve Seninger
  2. Treasurer’s report-
  3. Public comments unrelated to agenda items
  4. Meet’n’greet (Please keep in mind that this is not a debate. It is an opportunity for each
    candidate to present her/his position to you.)
    a. Each candidate will have 3 minutes to speak on any topic(s). The candidates will
    speak in alphabetical order.
    Representative in Congress
    John Lamb- Libertarian
    Monica Tranel- Democrat
    Ryan Zinke- Republican
    HD 98: Richard Armerding- Libertarian
    Bob Carter- Democrat
    Sonia Shearer-Hiett- Republican
    SD49: Willis Curdy- Democrat
    Brad Tschida- Republican

Following this I will ask for audience questions. You may ask your question of one or
all of the candidates. Please keep questions/answers to 3 minutes or less.
Then continuing on:
Justice of the Peace- District 1 (nonpartisan)
Alex Beal
Bill Burt
Justice of the Peace- District 2 (nonpartisan)
Susan Campbell Reneau
Landee Holloway

At the end of our meeting please feel free to introduce yourself to the
candidates and have a one-on-one with them over a cup of coffee and a


  1. Help yourself to the treats, have a cup of coffee/tea, and visit with other Target
  2. Our next meeting is October 26, 2022.
  3. Have you had your well water tested yet? Pick up a kit at Water Technologies, 1709 South
    Avenue West…across the street from Jefferson School.
  4. Find Target Range Home Owners Association on our FACEBOOK page. (Thank you, Carrie
  5. We also have a TRHOA web page. (Thank you, Bob Carter)
  6. When I send out the FYI’s, I’m getting several returned as “undeliverable”. If your e- mail has
    changed, please let me know so I can continue to keep you abreast of happenings in Target
  7. Request for golf clubs for a P.E. class…My name is Tom Hersee and I am one of the PE teachers at
    Target Range School. I want to spread the word about golf club donations. This year I am teaching a
    “lifetime activities” class to middle school students and I thought golf would be a perfect fit for this
    class but I do not have any golf equipment. So I am asking for golf club donations for the Target
    Range PE Dept. It could sure help us out in a big way and will introduce golf skills to hundreds of
    students and to possibly recruit the next generation of young golfers! Please feel free to contact me if
    you have any questions.
    Tom Hersee; PE Teacher; Target Range School; 406-549-9239 ex:238; Thomas.Hersee@target.k12.mt.us

Thank you to our vice-president Anne Rupkalvis for running tonight’s meeting. (Thanks to
vaccinations for shortening my bout with Covid.) Thank you for attending our meeting this evening.
See you in October.
If you are interested in joining TRHOA and would like to pay your membership, dues are $20 for
individuals and $25 for families. Membership renewals are the same. Membership is not required to
attend our meetings. We’ll see you again in October.